Slideshow of Spain and Croatia

Friday, May 9, 2008

First Blog Ever

I am currently at my desk in my dorm room at LMU on moveout day, couting down the minutes untill my parents come to help me move out the enormous amount stuff I have in my little 6 x 6 side of the room. It's really weird to think that this will be my last hour at this desk, but to tell you the truth I have spent wayy too many hours at this desk to miss it. Term papers, projects, and exams have consumed my life for the past 9 months and I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am to finally have a nice long summer break! I am going to be spending most of my summer in Los Angeles working and I just got a really sweet new apartment, so to all of my friends reading this you better come visit me and my lonesome self! Take a look at the apartment to the right! Wow I just realized it it past 10 am and I still have yet to have a cup of coffee, this must be changed. Anyways I am really excited for my first blog, which i would like to dedicate to Brett for encouraging me to start it... there will be many more to come!

1 comments: said...

the blog looks great!
now rule of thumb ... update it at LEAST one a week

only the true bloggers will last
will u ?